If you have ever flown through London Heathrow, then you might have been one of the lucky ones, as I was when I had a beard, to be pulled aside to this three walled sectional that scans your body. Now these scanners can see EVERYTHING. They are SUPPOSED to tone it down so that the details aren't seen, but some people can't be trusted (gingers!). Now, the U.S.'s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has authorized and started using the scanners at several major airports, including LAX and JFK, with many more to be added. The TSA says it protects privacy by blurring passengers' faces and deleting images right after viewing. Yet the images are detailed, clearly showing a person's gender. 'You can actually see the sweat on someone's back,'" said James Schear, TSA Director at Baltimore/Washiongton's BWI Airport. That is some bull because a lot of people just don't know that they are being scanned and that their faces and privates are only blurred until after the scanner is done with them. Now I wonder, which celebrities have been exposed to this?

[USA Today]
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