She's blaming it on her dog. Yes y'all! The youngest person to win an Academy Award at age 10 for her role in Paper Moon is using the oldest excuse in the book for her recent run in with the NYPD. Tatum "Line It Up" O'Neal was arrested on the Lower East Side of Manhattan on Sunday for attempting to purchase cocaine. Her excuse to the New York Post-
“I lost my Scottish terrier, Lena, [three weeks ago.] That seemed to set me off,” Tatum said. “She got old. She got cancer. She was the fabric of our family. We had to let her go to heaven. My daughter and I had to put her down. It was too horrible for words. Just when I was about to change that and wreck my life, the cops came and saved me! I was saved by the bell, by the guys in the Seventh Precinct.”

Honey if lost my dog the last thing I would want to do is stay up all night blowing rails thinking about it. I would understand if she was buying Vicodin. Oh and smooth move thanking New York's Seventh Precinct for ringing your bell. Now, where's the fold?
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